Sonic the Hedgehog: Eve of Destruction [Super Special Issue 9] Mini Drama OPEN
![Sonic the Hedgehog: Eve of Destruction [Super Special Issue 9] Mini Drama OPEN](
Project Overview
In addition to the End Game saga, we will also be doing a comic drama of Archie Comic's Sonic Super Special issue 9. This is the final story in the issue and revolves around the story of how Robotnik came into power and took over Mobotropolis, as well as Miles "Tails" Prower's origin story.
[1] Have a good quality microphone!
[2] No begging for a part!
[3] Show emotion in your audition!
Child! Sonic: Self-cast (I promise this will be one of the rare times I'm playing an main character.)
King Max Acorn: FairfieldFencer
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It's Dr. Robotnik, so he should have a menacing, evil tone to his voice! I would either prefer a Jim Cummings or Deem Bristow type voice!
(Explaining) "I call it a Swatbot!"
(Trying to hide his menace, attempting to sound Apologetic) "He's probably just caught up in what he was doing! We'll head back with him to the lab!"
(I'm allowing you to choose third line of your choosing)

Sally is kind and caring in her youth, similar to her adult counterpart. Give her a sweet, higher-pitched voice!
(Happy and Explaining) "She's got a baby in her tummy! It's going to be born any day now!"
(Excited) "I can't wait 'till the baby is born! We'll have a new little playmate!"
(Slightly Frantic) "Hurry, Sonic! Her contractions are happening faster!"

Rotor is a more minor role in this comic drama, only having a few lines! He should also have a child's voice, like Sally! A more boyish, raspy voice will fit best!
(Laughing and Energetic) "Gotcha now, Sonic!"
(Concerned and Questioning) "What's wrong with Mrs. Prower?"
(Happy) "Here they come!"

Another child role in the comic drama! Like his adult counterpart, Antoine needs a French acccent! He is somewhat cowardly. He also has a sarcastic and smug side.
(Sarcastic and Annoyed) "Ha,ha... very funny- OW! It hurts when I laugh..."
(Excited) "I wondair if it will be male or female?"
(Amazed) "Oh, sacre blu deus!" (sah-creh blue do!)

Amadeus is heroic and brave, but also has a gentler, down to earth attitude. He is excited about becoming a father and his wife later on gives birth to Miles "Tails" Prower. He should sound like a adult, around age 25-30 or 35.
(Quiet and Gentle) "Kids... shhh... can I please ask you to take your game someplace else?"
(Sweet, Gentle, and Apologetic) "I'm sorry darling, but duty calls."
(Shocked and Horrified) "By the King's sword! Julian and his assistant are traitors! I must stop them!"

Snively should sound like how he did in SatAM. He is very smug and cunning, but also has a cowardly feeling towards Robotnik.
(Curious) "Are you going to eliminate King Acorn-ball, Uncle Julian?"
(Give me some evil snickers and laughs.)

Dr. Quack is the one who handled Tail's delivery. He is a kind, caring, young doctor.
(Gentle and Kind) "You're doing fine, Mrs. Prower. You got here just in time."
(Trying to calm Rosemary as she cries) "There, there Rosemary. Becoming a father for the first time can make men act... strangely..."

This character is very minor. I will allow you to be creative with the choosing of the voice. :)
(Frantic and crying for Help) "Please... no! NOOO!
(Robotic and Lifeless-sounding) "Your wish is my command..." [Add a robotic effect here if possible.)

Rosemary is the wife of Amadeus Prower. She is pregnant with his child and later gives birth to Miles "Tails" prower. She should have a gentle, womanly voice. NOTE: for this role you will need to be able to create believable labor and pregnancy emotions, such as screaming and moaning.
(Kind and Gentle) "Amadeus, you didn't have to send the children away..."
(In pain and screaming and moaning) "Ohhhh, the baby... the baby is coming! I have to get... to Dr. Quacks infirmary!"
(Crying and slowly Breaking Down) "A-Amadeus? D-Don't you... w-want to!?
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