Nexus 2.0: Round 2

Project Overview

Disclaimer: This story contains violence, mild swearing, and mature themes

This project is an audio drama (and a visual novel if I have time). I eventually want to turn it into an animated series.

In a world where supernatural abilities are called gifts, Utsu Sasaki uses her gift to aid a government organization called Nexus. Their goal is to wipe out Oasis, a group of gifted individuals who plan to cleanse the world by getting rid of anyone who is not gifted. However, Utsu must fight her twin brother in order for the goal of Nexus to be fulfilled.


- A good mic (no background noise, static, etc. XLR preferred)

- 16+ as this project does contain some mature themes.

Although the main cast has been released, that doesn't mean that the smaller roles are any less important. Every role needs to be filled in order for the project to move on.

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  • Kaia needed

    The role of Kaia needs to be filled for the project to move on. Yes, she is a bit of a minor role, but important to the story nonetheless. I urge you to give her a look.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Abandoned by his mother, Sin was taken in by a scientist who executed many experiments to try to awaken Sin’a ability. Sin eventually escapes the scientist but the scars from the experiments leave him an outcast in society. He resents his half brother, Hyde, for leaving him in his time of need. He has a lot of anger and easily lashes out.

Personality: cold, brutally honest, short tempered, angry and a little edgy (but please, not cringe edgy) . However he is capable of showing depth and emotion.

Voice: low, slight rasp.

This role includes quite a bit of narration and requires a lot of attention at times, so keep that in mind.

  • (normal talking voice) My name is Sin, I am a four star member of Nexus. My gift allows me to produce visual, auditory, and haptic illusions. I can also put people into a trance and enter their mind. That is all, now leave.

  • (Angry, but also hurt. Not quite shouting) Everywhere I go, I get turned away because of how I look. At the end of the day, all people care about is looks! No one cares about your personality at first sight.

    Somnium noctis ignis (an incantation)

  • Don’t do this, please. Why do you continue to care about me? Even when I push you away, you always come back.

    (Somewhat lashing out) After all of the things I´ve done, and for what. I’ve never done anything for you, so why are you trying so hard. I don’t understand.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

There are various extras that appear that need voices as well! Some of them even appear more than once! Use this audition to go for any of the characters listed below, or just show what you can do!


-Corrupted Priest

-Sus men 1 & 2

  • Corrupted Priest- A priest that leads one of the leads into a trap.

    What are you doing here my boy? You may not believe it, but all are welcome here.

     You look like you have been through much. I know of a place that might help you, if you wish to know.

     A young man in bandages just paid me a visit here at the church. I’m sending him your way, old friend. 

  • Sus men #1 & #2 - Thugs who try to mug one of the leads in an alley.

     Hey, aren’t you related to that Sasaki crook? I bet you’re worth even more than this little mouse is.

     Oi, just hurry up and do something, we don’t got all day! 

     Forget her. This one will give us more nova than we can count.

  • Show off what your range!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

BPOC VA preferred

Kaia is a gifted individual who works at a diner. She is able to produce small objects (Much like Momo from My Hero Academia) This character is very much up to interpretation, so feel free to experiment.

  • Hello, my name is Kaia, I’ll be your server. Can I get anything started for you?

  • Oh yes, it's almost the end of my shift. Since we are open 24 hours, some of the employees have odd hours. I have been here since two thirty myself.

  • Don’t worry about it. If ever I can be of any help, feel free to contact me

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tabbitha Amarin

Tabitha serves as the medic for Nexus. She appears here and there throughout the series, but is needed notntheless.

  • Good to see you again. How are those wounds healing up?

  • (genuine) Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my patients 

  • You should really be more careful. One more slip up and you could lose your sight forever.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Athena is the head of Oasis and a leader at her core. In terms of demeanor and personality I can best compare her to Merida's mom from Brave and La Muerte from The Book of Life.

  • When will you tell them the truth, Akio. How much longer will you lead them around in the dark?

  • I only want to protect the people that live in this house. I could care less about your little organization. We both have made sacrifices for that to happen, you know that.

  • You don't have to do this alone you know. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The arrogant, pompus, abd boy

  • cad


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