FFXIV: Shadowbringers Ending Movie

Project Overview

To be honest, I feel like this particular ending in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers quest line was lacking... proper emotion most of the times. So I decided that maybe, just MAYBE, this collection of Shadowbringers ending scenes would be nice to be redone as a fandub. I've included the original scenes with voices of the explainer video. Your guys job is just adding better emotion between the lines. So in short, yes, this is a last quest line of 5.0 patch.

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  • Please Read This! Important!

    I've noticed that many of you just read the lines and not add the emotion behind it. To really make your auditions count, PLEASE watch the explainer video to the fullest. I know it's lacking emotion itself most of the part but this is where YOU people come in. Don't just cold-read lines, make them count. Add EMOTION behind them. Also it's preferable that you have a clear microphone AND it's noise free from any and all background noises and also don't make your auditions/lines peak. If there's a line that requires shouting, put some distance behind you and the mic.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: gilthielm81

Emperor Solus was said to be an enthusiastic theater-goer and patron of the arts. He commissioned the building of an airship for the Majestic Imperial Theater Company so they could travel the realm and bring their performances to the far reaches of the Empire. This hearkens to the Tantalus Theater Troupe from Final Fantasy IX.

Solus, or Emet-Selch by his Ascian name or Hades by his true name, is more eccentric and talkative than the average Ascian, being unpredictable and condescending towards his allies. His eccentricities often leave those around him exasperated or enraged. He remains convinced of the importance of the balance between Light and Dark and considers his people the definition of perfection while viewing the "broken" races mere imperfect parodies of his kin. He extends this contempt to his mortal grandson, Varis, having no real interest in the Empire outside its intended purpose of spreading chaos. His resentment towards Varis also stems from him resembling his firstborn son, whose death serves as a final reminder of mortal imperfection in Emet-Selch's eyes. However, he does show interest in certain mortals who underwent the Umbral Calamity numerous times.

Emet-Selch is a loner, and though he operates with full intention to bring about the Rejoining, his actions are often considered unpredictable. Beneath his eccentricity and cheerfulness, Emet-Selch bears the burden of centuries of sorrow and pain over all that he and his people have lost, and a burning hatred for Hydaelyn and all who fight in Her name. In contrast to the maniacal scheming of Lahabrea, the passionate rage of Nabriales, the patronizing arrogance of Igeyorhm, and the cold rationality of Elidibus, Emet-Selch is filled with deep melancholy over Amaurot's fall. Whenever he speaks his true feelings, his pain and despair, his voice deepens and becomes more gravely.

  • [annoyed] In every single age, there is always someone who wants to stand up to the evil Ascians. Always the same arrogance, the same insistence that the world belongs to them. As if theirs were the only rightful claim, theirs the only existence worthy of preservation!

  • [starting to get pissed off] You think us the same? You think your tattered soul of equal worth to those I lost? [menacingly] Then come, earn your place. Prove yourselves worthy to inherit this star. Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. A fitting backdrop... for your final judgement.

  • [as Hades, feel free to use effects here, starting to become denial, refusing the idea being losing to the MC] Should I surrender this fight, what will become of it all...? What will become our triumphs? Our Hopes? Our... our despair? What of this anguish which yet burns in my breast even after the passing of eons? No, no, no! I will not let it all be for naught!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Thancred Waters
Role assigned to: Andy Liang

Thancred is an intelligent smooth-talker with a fondness for women, though he does get flustered when Minfilia Warde points out some of the shadier elements of his past, even as a compliment. Thancred is devoted to Minfilia and views her as a close friend, akin to a sister. Following the events of the Calamity, Thancred became a workaholic to the point of exhaustion, trying to fill in the shoes of Louisoix Leveilleur.

After learning that Minfilia had become the Word of the Mother, Thancred's disposition changed, becoming less cheerful and more stoic and hardened, though he still retains his dry wit. Despite this, Thancred has come to accept Minfilia's fate. He is devoted to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn's cause and has become something akin to their spy and recon-agent, willing to delve into hostile territory. The other Scions are fond of Thancred and view him as a close friend. Thancred in return is protective of his friends and allies and, in particular, holds the Warrior of Light in the highest esteem. In the later patches of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, Thancred is revealed as a cunning and clever tactician.

In Shadowbringers, Thancred's feelings and inner-conflict over Minfilia's fate are laid bare. He is initially reluctant to accept her reincarnation in the First, Ryne, but follows his Minfilia's wish to look after Ryne while keeping emotionally distant. This leads Ryne to believe that Thancred hates her, for which he later apologizes.

  • [Supporting MC and while attacking Emet-Selch, orders Ryne] Now, Ryne! Now!

  • [at the end of Hades cutscene, he had enough of Hades refusing to die] Enough, damn you!

  • [replying coldly to Ryne, who asked where Urianger is at the ending scene] Ugh, he must have fallen behind...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: EmDeer

Much like the Minfilia from the Source, Ryne is kind and caring, wishing to help those in need and those she can still save. As she is still young and constantly overseen, Ryne is shy and reserved, often relying on others for comfort and support. This leads to feelings of self-doubt and worrying about her worth. After seeing the resolve and determination of the Warrior of Darkness and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Ryne gains a new sense of resolve, which leads her to stand up against Ran'jit.

Her relationship with Thancred Waters, her liberator and protector, is complex. As Ryne is not the Minfilia he knows and holds dear, Thancred struggled to accept Ryne. Though he followed through Minfilia's wishes in protecting Ryne as he once did for her, he still kept her at a distance and was reluctant to have her embrace her role as the Oracle of Light. This led Ryne to believe that Thancred hated her. However, after hearing her words of resolve and determination against Ran'jit, Thancred apologizes for his earlier behavior.

  • {after getting blast from Emet-Selch, before getting knocked out cold, to MC] Fight it... You have to hold on!

  • [after Emet-Selch/Hades has been defeated, reading MC's aether] Under the strain of that incredible flood of aether, your soul had begun to break apart. Yet now it seems somehow... restored.

  • [continuation to line 2, confused, to MC] I tried to help you before the battle, but Emet-Selch stopped me. So, h-how did you... exactly what did you... Can you tell us what happened?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Azurumi Maeri
Role assigned to: clarekennedy

Azurumi Maeri is my character name on Final Fantasy XIV. As seen as "MC" (main character), usually silent protagonist, but you can give her a voice!

  • [Emet-Selch asks MC what is she come to do exactly, being confident] We came here to stop you.

  • [after being "fused" (i guess) with Ardbert's spirit to stop her becoming sin eater, to Emet-Selch] This world is not yours to end... This is our future. Our story.

  • [reuniting with Crystal Exarch/G'raha Tia after Emet-Selch's has defeated, smiling] 'Tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Andrew_Landry13

Urianger and the rest of the Scions have been taken to the world of the First, their souls having been called one after another by a robed figure named G'raha Tia, who originally worked with the Warrior of Light during their expedition of the Crystal Tower. He had awakened from his long slumber and found his Crystal Tower in the First (one of the reflections of the Source world). The tower serves as the last bastion of hope in the wake of the halted Flood and the sin eaters that plague the remnants of the star, Norvrandt. G'raha's summoning was flawed, as only the Scions' souls were pulled with their bodies still on the Source. Due do their strong connection to the Source their souls have a physical presence, allowing them to interact with the world around them as they would in their corporeal form.

G'raha foresaw a future where the Source would be plagued by two calamities that would have occurred on both the Source and the First had the Warrior of Light emerged victorious in the war. To prevent the calamities, he called the Scions and the Warrior of Light to the First to save two worlds, believing that the Warrior's power would be able to contain the primordial light blanketing the First. He asks Urianger to keep his identity and their discussion as a secret while they would prepare for the Warrior of Light's arrival.

Urianger met up with the other Scions and eventually everyone parted ways to keep an eye on developments across Norvrandt while slaying Sin Eaters. He familiarized himself with the land of Il Mheg and the fae that inhabite it, learning their language. He kept in touch with Thancred and his charge, a reincarnated "Minfilia", whom he rescued from Eulmore. However, Urianger and Y'shtola had a falling out when she became frustrated with his insistence on secrecy, unable to fully trust him. Furthermore, the prophecy G'raha spoke of plagued him, and thus took up astrology to try and explore this supposed future.

  • [while supporting MC, to Emet-Selch] To take what steps we may, and thus mark the road for those who would follow. To strive for the best of all futures... Be this not also thy purpose!?

  • [attacking Hades with the aether-like beam with others, to MC to command giving all she have to defeat Hades] Now! Strike with all thy might!

  • [at the ending part of the storyline, to Y'shtola, who's reading MC's aether] ...What dost thou see?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Y'shtola Rhul
Role assigned to: evibunny

When the Warrior of Light arrives in the wood with Thancred, Minfilia, Urianger, and Emet-Selch, she initially doubts the Warrior of Light's identity because of how much light they have absorbed. Upon learning that their mission is to find and slay the Lightwarden hiding in the forest, she helps them travel deeper into the woods to reach Yx'Maja, where the ruins of the Ronkan Empire are found.

Together they discover where the Lightwarden is hiding and enter the ruins to unlock the path, but are attacked by Ran'jit and an emissary of Eulmore, who tell them they have poisoned the Night's Blessed. During the ensuing fight Ran'jit and the emissary are lost down a pit, and Y'shtola dives in after them, seemingly sacrificing herself to get the antidote from them to her friends. They realize that she used the Flow spell again to escape, and Emet-Selch pulls her out of the Lifestream as a gesture of good faith. After destroying the Lightwarden, Y'shtola examines the ancient paintings in the cave and wonders as to their significance. Emet-Selch explains that they tell the story of how his people long ago summoned Zodiark and Hydaelyn, and after the latter defeated the former, Zodiark was imprisoned and the world divided into fourteen parts: the Source and its thirteen reflections.

After helping to defeat the remaining Lightwardens, Y'shtola follows the Warrior of Light into the Tempest to confront Emet-Selch. Comparing the underwater ruins to the painting in the Ronkan cave, she concludes that they are the remnants of the ancient Ascian city of Amaurot of which Emet-Selch spoke. After Emet-Selch's defeat, she returns to the Night's Blessed while the Crystal Exarch looks for a way to return their souls to the Source.

  • [while helping/supporting MC with Urianger to fend off Emet-Selch] It is true that all we hold dear is fated to fade away. But there is no reason for us to forsake it!

  • [at the end part of the main story line of 5.0, reading MC's aether] Her aether... it is... it is as it used to be. 

  • [thinking/affirming tone] As a disciple of Zodiark, the Ascian was the Darkness to your Light... I can but assume that when you set your strength against his, the Light within you was spent.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alphinaud Leveilleur
Role assigned to: KingXanaduu

The cause of the affliction affecting the Scions is revealed to have been the prior attempts by the Crystal Exarch to bring the Warrior of Light to the First, which had, instead, brought the souls of the Warrior of Light's closest allies. Though their physical bodies were left behind on the Source, their souls created corporeal bodies on the First. As time flows differently between the Source and the First, Alphinaud had been on the First for a year prior to the Warrior of Light's arrival.

After arriving on the First, the Warrior of Light reunites with Alphinaud, who had been in the region of Kholusia investigating the city of Eulmore. By posing as an artist under the patronage of Dulia-Chai and her husband Chai-Nuzz, Alphinaud gains access to the city. He soon draws the ire of its leader, Vauthry, and departs. When the Warrior of Light is given the new role as the Warrior of Darkness, Alphinaud assists them in finding and defeating the Lightwardens in the regions of Lakeland and Il Mheg alongside the other Scions. After the defeat of Titania, the group splits up to locate the remaining Lightwardens, with Alphinaud returning to Kholusia to investigate.

He is unable to gain any additional information on the location of the Lightwarden of Kholusia, and regroups with the Scions in the Crystarium in time to help defend Lakeland from an attack by sin eaters sent by Vauthry. The group later defeats the Lightwarden of Amh Araeng before returning to Eulmore to drive Vauthry, revealed to be a Lightwarden, from the city. The Scions travel to The Tempest to confront Emet-Selch, one of the Ascian leaders whose previous host body had been that of Emperor Solus. Alphinaud and the other Scions use White Auracite to contain Emet-Selch, allowing the Warrior of Darkness to kill him. Alphinaud then returns to Eulmore with Lord and Lady Chai to complete the portrait they commissioned from him.

  • [after Emet-Selch has done doing his little speech] Emet-Selch! We understand. Truly. But it makes no difference. The ones you love are in the past. While ours are here in the present. One day, we too will be ashes and dust, but not today. Our time is not yet finished. We share your conviction... and that is why we will not abandon our course.

  • [After Emet-Selch has knocked out Alisae, while holding her in his arms, starting to get angry to Emet-Selch] Belittle us all you like, but we will rise again and again, and give the lie to your insults through word and deed. We define our worth, not the circumstances of our creation!

  • [after being "washed up" to the beach at the ending scene, exhausted] I didn't think... we'd be swimming... the whole way back... [just about to faint] Heavens... heavens... Take me...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alisae Leveilleur
Role assigned to: Cat

Alisaie is strong-willed, cynical and, at times, emotional. She is compassionate, concerned for a traumatized Koboldling that lost his parents, and leaving a bouquet of flowers in memory of her grandfather, Nael van Darnus, and Bahamut's children.

By her own admission, Alphinaud was always the more clever of the two while she is more direct. This distinction is most pronounced when she summons an aetherial blade to attack the Warriors of Darkness, rather than summoning a carbuncle like her brother. Unlike her brother, Alisaie had little interest in the affairs of the city-state's politics, finding their petty power struggles tiresome. She strikes out on her own while her brother becomes a part of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, but upon reuniting she becomes more involved, especially with the missions against the Warriors of Darkness and to liberate Doma and Ala Mhigo.

Though Alisaie loathes politics, she has proven to be quite persuasive when negotiating, or at least when striking a deal. She has a humorous side, often teasing Alphinaud (in a similar vein to Krile) and making cynical comments. Although this seems like petty sibling rivalry, it shows that she knows and understands Alphinaud unlike anyone else. Alisaie resents being compared to her brother or being mistaken for a boy. She deeply cares for him as he does for her, and when Alphinaud goes missing during a diplomatic mission to Garlemald, Alisaie constantly worries for his whereabouts, even stating that should he die on her, she will never let him hear the end of it. From the latter parts of Stormblood through Shadowbringers, Alisaie becomes irritated by those around her and even defensive, angrily grabbing Alphinaud by his collar after jokes about seeing a bratty pixie as reminding him of his childhood, to sounding outright snappy when her idolism of the Warrior of Light is brought up in embarrassing context.

  • [while trying to attack/hold back Emet-Selch, defensive] Our worlds may not live up to your lofty standards... But they are our worlds! Our homes! Full of life and love and hope! And we won't stand by and let you destroy them!

  • [when Hades have defeated, to MC, worriedly] More importantly, how do you fare?

  • [after Alphinaud has fainted at the ending scene] Alphinaud!? Oh, hells...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crystal Exarch/G'raha Tia
Role assigned to: John_McKerrow

By the time the Crystal Tower is reopened two centuries into the future, G'raha has partially fused with the tower to prolong his life as its keeper. He learns of the Eighth Umbral Calamity that claimed the life of the Warrior of Light and the Scions along with the endless conflict that followed. Acting on a hypothesis proposed by Cid, G'raha sends himself and the Crystal Tower to the First sometime after the Flood of Light occurred. Taking on the identity of the Crystal Exarch, G'raha establishes the Crystarium as a haven for the people of Lakeland.

G'raha attempts to summon the Warrior of Light to the First via the Calling, but ends up summoning the Scions instead. Due to the time difference, the Scions end up appearing years apart from each other. G'raha confides in Urianger Augurelt, telling him everything, and asking him to be his accomplice in a scheme to prevent the First's Umbral Calamity—with full knowledge that the negation of the Eighth Umbral Calamity would erase him and send the Scions back to their world fully restored.

When the Warrior of Light finally arrives on the First, G'raha, in the guise of the Crystal Exarch, acts as the Scions' guide and leader, directing their efforts in defeating the Lightwardens. When the final Lightwarden is defeated, G'raha reveals his true plan - to steal the light that the Warrior had absorbed from the Lightwardens. With it, he would transport himself and the Crystal Tower to the Dimensional Rift, where the light could be safely expunged, resulting in his death and the return of the Scions to the Source. His plan is thwarted by Emet-Selch, who had figured out his true identity and origin, and captures him.

When the Warrior of Light is preparing to battle Emet-Selch, G'raha uses his powers to summon heroes from other worlds to fight alongside them. After Emet-Selch's defeat, G'raha returns to the Crystarium, where he continues to aid the Scions in finding a way to return to the Source.

  • [beaten down but still has power to stand up, after Emet-Selch wondering how he can even stand at all] I could not well leave matters half-finished.

  • [summoning other champions beyond the rift to help out MC with the final fight against Emet-Selch/Hades] Let expanse contract, eon become instant! [commanding shout] Champions from beyond the rift, heed my call!

  • [when (again) Emet-Selch/Hades has defeated, approaching slowly to MC and her crew, being apologetic] I believe I owe you all an apology. And you most especially.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harbor Worker #1

One of the worker at the harbor area at Kholusia.

  • [to Master Chai, bewildered] Ah, a-all I could see from here was the whale, Master Chai...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harbor Worker #2

Just another worker at the harbor in Kholusia.

  • [spotting MC washed up in the nearby beach at the ending scene, shouting] There! There! Look, over there! Over at the beach!

  • [extra line (not really included in game's own dialog, shouting to the MC and her crew from the distance, welcoming them back] Hey there!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

One of the few genuine and generous members of Eulmore's rich and privileged. Though Dulia-Chai may enjoy the finer things in life, judging by her lifestyle in Eulmore, she doesn't look down upon the less fortunate. She often pressures her husband to concede with her wishes.

  • [waiting with her husband Chai-Nuzz and few others in the harbor at Kholusia at the ending scenes] 'Twas surely Alphinaud and those friends of his! They did something heroic, mark my words! You need only to look up there for proof of that!

  • [to her husband, starting to cry when she doesn't see them first] They are coming back, aren't they? I couldn't bear the thought of... of... 

  • [to continue line 3, just add your best, emotional cry here as extra line, as she literally covers her face with her hands and starts to cry]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

As a resident of Eulmore, Chai-Nuzz was one of those who indulged in the city's luxuries and is initially shown to be uncaring of people's lives, as he didn't much care for his bonded citizens being tossed out of the city. However, he cares much for his wife and will do anything to make her happy. He is shown to be distrusting or at least doubtful of his own abilities, but is great at planning and an excellent leader.

Chai-Nuzz ultimately redeems himself after organizing the creation of the giant Talos that latches onto Mt, Gulg. After being elected as the new mayor of Eulmore, he swears with all his power to dismantle the laws Vauthry put in place and reestablish the nation, for rich and poor alike.

  • [to one of the workers while they all are waiting the MC and her gang to show up] So, those mad souls dove straight into the ocean over there, did they?

  • They're sure to be back, any moment now. Any moment...

  • [comforting his crying wife] There, there, dear. Everything will be all right...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Valentari

Ardbert is angry, brash and cynical. Quick to decry the notion of heroes and bemoan his role in dooming his world to a Flood of Light, he acts as a foil to the Warrior of Light and their companions' consistent optimism. Ardbert is good at heart and treasures his companions dearly, expressing anger and frustration at being forced to play the villain during his time on the Source to save his world.

When the Warrior suffers a bout of pain from containing the Light, they and Ardbert make contact and spark a reaction, hinting at a greater connection between the two. A self-aware Amaurotine illusion reveals they can also see Ardbert and recognizes he and the Warrior to be two parts of a sundered soul. When the Warrior is on the brink of corruption from the Light within them while facing Emet-Selch, Ardbert merges his soul into the Warrior so they can contain the Light. With Ardbert speaking through the Warrior, Emet-Selch momentarily sees an Amaurotine, his old friend, in the Warrior's place.

  • [to MC while looking away, while they both are surrounded in a white void] If you had the strengh to take another step, could you do it? Could you save our worlds?

  • [after MC has confirmed that she can take another step to defeat Emet-Selch/Hades, he let's out a small chuckle as he's offering his axe to MC] Take it. We fight as one!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Feo Ul
Role assigned to: AnimeEyedGirl

A pixie with a heart of gold, Feo Ul is kind and warm to those whom they considers friends. The Crystal Exarch even calls them the Paragon of pixies. Though they can be just as mischievous and childishly playful as their fellow pixies, Feo Ul is not selfish; it is simply their nature as a pixie. Pixies may be eternal, but they live for "the here and now," not bothering with futures that may or may not come.

Feo Ul is protective of the Warrior of Darkness from the Source, calling them their "sapling" and themself their "branch". Though this relationship could be considered how one affectionately treats a beloved object, Feo Ul does indeed care for the Warrior's well-being. Whenever the Warrior requests their assistance, they scold them immensely for not doing so sooner.

  • [to MC, after they all returned to the Kholusian beach after defeating Emet-Selch/Hades, joyfully] Welcome back, dear ones!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Boy

A young boy that's seen in the very end of the ending scenes.

  • [to MC, excitedly] Excuse me! You're the Warrior of Darkness... aren't you?

  • Where are you from, really? And how did you get to be so strong!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: John_McKerrow

I need someone to narrate the ending part of the main story quest line in 5.0 patch. This role is needed when MC and her friends are returning to Crystarium after defeating Emet-Selch/Hades.

  • And thus did salvation come to the First. The lamps of Amaurot will fade along with Emet-Selch's enchantments, and the depths shall be as once they were. Mt. Gulg will one day fall, and the Talos below yield to wind and rain. This tale, too, will fade with time, passing into legend as the world heals and moves on. Nevertheless...

  • As aether obeys the cycle... as death and decay gives way to new life... So too do the memories we share inspire other to rise to greatness. For we who walk before may lead those who walk after.

  • Your road goes ever on, as does your story. As does your legacy. Such is the hero's lot; to touch the lives of countless others...


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