Doctor Who: Who Killed Kilfernora?

Project Overview

To Isaac Lang, master of the world’s largest chemical engineering conglomerate…

To Linh Pham, architect of a modern Olympus and originator of the future…

To Zara Swann, legal wizard and grand keeper of secrets…

I am Alfredo Kilfenora, and I welcome you to the greatest technological achievement man has ever saw!

Welcome to the party. It’ll be a night like no other, one you’ll never forget.

Everlasting Films is a group of professional, semi-professional, and amateur actors who have been making The Doctor Who Audio Dramas since 1982. These productions are downloaded for free over the internet. We average thousands of episodes downloaded each month. (More than a million episodes have been downloaded.) If you want to get your voice heard, this is the place to do it.

We classified the project as generally taking two hours.  This is wildly dependent on the person doing the project. Some will be able to complete it quickly, some longer.  When we did this show years ago, we all gathered around the microphone and, at the end, we would take every out to dinner. So this is where we came up with the payment schedule.

Please note: We do not accept one word names or internet nicks for the credits.  You may use your real name or a stage name.

Payments are made via PayPal. We generally send out payments a couple weeks before post-production is finished.  We NEVER release a story until payments are sent.


You will get a DM through Casting Call Club offering you the role. Be sure you are able to receive notifications from CCC. Once you accept the role, you will be given our e-mail address. We do everything through e-mail, not through CCC.

Be sure to respond to the CCC DM you get offering you the role. You will only have a day or two to accept the role before we have to offer it to someone else to keep the production on schedule.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jenna Fitzwith
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

The technical manager of the Kilfenora Tower, she is a capable and endearing young woman. Smarter than her outward persona suggests, she has deservedly risen through the ranks, but she remains perpetually in fear of her boss, Kilfenora, who has threatened to destroy her career if Jenna ever fails or betrays him. Somewhat socially awkward. (100 dialogues)

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • I’m just fine-tuning something for this display. Act like I’m not here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Linh Pham
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

A successful and in-demand architect, she is caring and protective. Never one to sell herself short, she is proud of her abilities and heritage. She can be forthright, but is equally aware of the importance of tactfulness, not rushing into fights she knows she can’t win. Working with one of Kilfenora’s rivals, she has been convinced to go to the party to spy on his achievements in exchange for a contract that will make her a household name. She is drawn to Thomas and will one day become Kim-Ly’s mother. (87 dialogues)

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
  • We have to do something before it tries embedding in someone else!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Thomas Giang Nguyen
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

A talented if bashful landscape designer, he is funny and trusting, fascinated with all things scientific. A family man, he does what he can to support his ailing parents and sister. His nerves can make him a little passive in moments of stress, until he can no longer bottle up his emotions. He prides himself on his health and fitness, going to the gym three times a week. His firm’s representative at the party, in the hope of getting some business from Kilfenora, Thomas has sabotaged his colleague’s promotion so he can have it instead, though it already plays on his mind without Kilfenora’s blackmail. (64 dialogues)

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • You’d have to be a fool to risk attacking him. But if someone got drunk and didn’t think it through, who knows what they’d do in the dark...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Isaac Lang
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

The CEO of a chemical engineering company, he is a brash and bold man with minimal awareness of other people’s needs or concerns. Motivated by greed and the need to be seen as successful rather than actually be it, he believes himself to be smarter and more attractive than he genuinely is, claiming his employees’ ideas and successes as his own. Having cut corners rather than delay fulfilling contracts, he is responsible for contaminating land and poisoning locals, which Kilfenora is aware of. (63 dialogues)

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Or flirt with? What if you seduced him into shooting Kilfenora? What did he have on you, hmm? Something juicy, I’ll bet.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Farfax Craddock
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

Technically the Farfax of Craddock, he is a tall, broad, and terrifying alien mercenary that has been put in charge of security for the Tower. Thrill-seekers by nature, his people are creatures of unbreakable honor, so he was tricked into Kilfenora’s service through a loyalty bond that he cannot break. He has grown to like his new master, especially as he is permitted to indulge in dangerous missions to cover Kilfenora’s crimes. Yet he doesn’t know he’s the subject of Kilfenora’s latest invention. (67 dialogues)

Voice description:
  • irish
  • male adult
  • british
  • southern european
  • scottish
  • northern european
  • This is not an act. But it is clear you cannot empathise with another person’s position if it is not self-centred like your own.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jakob Andersen
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Freja’s father and the Danish Minister of Trade, he has sent his daughter to the party in his place, claiming to be too busy. He is hard-working and devoted to his high-ranking position, spending most of his time at the office. He tried his best not to be an absent father, but work comes first. He wants his children to be proud of his legacy, and if he needs to do the odd underhanded deal to get things done, he will. Except there may be something seriously wrong with him… (25 dialogues)

Voice description:
  • norse
  • norse/scandinavian
  • male adult
  • (through phone, to Freja his daughter) I’m the Minister of Trade for Denmark, darling. I’d be worried if I wasn’t busy.


Public Submissions

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