

Your New Obsession has finally arrived~! 

Joined Oct 2016 18 Following6 Followers
About Furrosuti

8 Years of Yapping Behind a Microphone~! And many many MANY more to come!

Android VTuber - Content Creator - VA - And Professional Gamer (WIP)

I'm here to make you laugh, make you cry and most importanly, bring your stories to life. Lets Chat : [redacted]

  • @justava

    This guy is an amazing voice actor- his acting and determination shows he's very serious about this passion. He's always on the grind and has a surprising vocal range- he also sings very pretty. I'd 100% recommend him if your thinking about casting him. Besides the talent- hes also very easy to work with and just a really fun person to talk to.

  • @pixeldip

    Kindle plays the villain "Aiden White" in one of my series, and his dedication to the role and voice acting talent has brought the character to life in ways I wouldn't have thought possible while writing the character's parts.

    Kindle is an exceptional voice actor and I would highly recommend him!