

Joined Jun 2017 86 Following0 Followers
About kae

i voice act sometimes :D

Demos & Samples
2019 Demo Reel
Demo Reel time! Credits to CrossPawGames for the editing and mixing, he was so generous with helping, I can't thank him enough!
  • @dietcarbon

    Stardust is an amazing voice actor, I absolutely love their voice more than anything tbh. They have experience with voicing Kaede and I personally feel like they fit the voice exceptionally well!

  • @theburningfaith

    Kae/Stardusts is a very talented VA. We have worked together on several projects together and even provided voice work for my own mini projects and they have yet to disappoint! Kae will easily grow on you for how amazing they are to talk to and will make you smile and laugh alot! If you ever need a sweet cinnamon roll to voice in your projects, you cannot go wrong with Kae here!

  • @redphoenix15

    Kae is quite the actress. She is able to execute her work perfectly well. Voicing 3 characters at once does sound pretty tough, but not for this girl. She voices Naoto Shirogane, Aigis, and Blake Belladonna on my "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle" fandub. She's got all of their personalities down right off the bat. From the three, Blake Belladonna has been the most active character she's been voicing as and also her favorite from the three. When I first heard her audition, it felt like I heard the professional actress voicing her. They almost sound similar to each other. The point is, Kae is someone you shouldn't pass up on. She's got the skills and determination to get things done, and I'm glad to have her on my project.

    Keep up the great work, Kae!

  • @mojo_lecrowe

    Kae is simply outstanding in all the work they do! Super talented, super respectful, and super approachable! They're also VERY ranged and can go from a shy and well-meaning aristocratic teen to anti-shadow robotic weapon (and yes, those are both Persona references) with utter ease. Gets the absolute highest recommendation I can give! In the link I've provided, you can hear Kae as Haru Okumura from Persona 5.