Korbinian Galloway

Korbinian Galloway

Joined Aug 2019 29 Following36 Followers
About Korbinian Galloway

Welcome to my profile!

Ever since 2014, I have been fascinated with voice acting and sought for opportunities to practice my range and challenge my acting skills. On this journey, I have worked alongside many great and talented people on amazing projects, including Dragon Ball Absalon!

I also create my own content! For the 20th Anniversary of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, I directed, edited, and casted a dub of a four part tie-in comic and got to meet many great actors along the way!
If you wish to see it and get a feeling of my editing skills, you can check it out in "completed projects".
I plan on creating more content like this, and I am always looking for new voice actors to cast in them! If you want to be on board, be sure to stick around!

  • @art-dad-chad

    His positive attitude and creative drive towards the cast and his projects in general, have made me seek him out on more than one occasion. Galloway's guidance and insight really make a cast member that only has a couple lines in his whole project, really feel like they're part of something epic, and that is a characteristic that I believe sets the bar for other voice acting directors.

  • @explorgamers

    This is one of the best people I have ever had the privilege to work with either on a project of his, or along side of him. A true professional and a lover of the craft that is Voice Acting. His content is up there with the best, or thee best out there. He is the best at what he does. You can always expect high quality out of this man.

  • @oppo-rancisis

    There are only 3 words in this universe that I can describe Korbinian Galloway, also known as the Audial Architect, as. Passionate, hard-working and creative.

    Korbinian is an expert in many areas, from composing incredibly unique compositions that can rival those of professional musicians to directing comic dubs that will pull an audience member out of his usual day and right into the story he is adapting.

    As a director, Korbinian most definitely has a specific vision and always follows through with his initial plan. The first time he directed me on recording voice lines was when I was invited to portray a young slave boy on Tatooine in issue 2 of Star Wars: Outlander. Galloway gave me a very specific understanding of what is needed while somehow managing to keep most of the story a secret to increase my interest as a viewer. Korbinian never hesitates in getting exactly what he needs and always does so in a very polite manner.

    As a voice actor, Korbinian has a rather wide range. When approached with a character, he seems to enjoy drawing appropriate parallels with other fictional characters he knows to deliver a proper performance. Whether it be the plane pilot in issue 1 of my amazing spider-man comic dub series, the alien in issue 2 or Charlie the Thug in issue 3, Korbinian always delivers exactly what is needed.

    As a composer, Korbinian is shockingly experienced. He can create a masterpiece with few instructions being given as well as make something that meets all of your expectations and even exceeds them when given some specific advice.

    The first track Korbinian composed for issue 3 my spider-man comic dubs was the scene in which Spider-man confronts 3 criminals, one of those brilliantly voiced by Galloway himself.

    Audial managed to excellently build up an intriguing atmosphere that climaxed in an incredibly well paced combination of drums and other instruments once the fight with the crooks actually began. As well as that, he gave the scene which had a rather goofy ending the appropriate comedic value through a masterful pattern of notes.

    For the second track, which was the theme for Doctor Otto Octavius, Audial succeeded immensely at creating a nerve-wracking atmosphere that truly added incredible stakes to the story with its pure presence. He was also excellent at matching his score with the fitting scene, the moment when Doctor Octopus breaks the bars of the hospital window being a prime example.

    The 3rd track was initially intended to be nothing more than a fun time accompanying spider-man running around but Korbinian’s work turned out so well that I felt like it deserved to become the main theme for the entire series. So wonderful were the emotions I felt when listening to it.

    The fourth track was meant to represent the incredibly chaotic feeling of doom when a terrible incident occurs and Korbinian managed to convey the feeling of terror brilliantly. He didn’t just have a few loud instruments making noises in no order, like even some professional artists do nowadays, he had a very clear rhythm.

    The fifth track was the military theme. Korbinian managed to create such a strong sense of might and readiness for action for the military in the comic that I myself couldn’t stay seated whilst watching the scene it played in.

    The 6th track was meant to be an adaptation of a musical cue I myself composed for the previous issue and as the original composer I guarantee to you that, without a doubt, Korbinian enhanced my own version to an outstanding degree.

    The 7th track in the comic dub accompanied the scene which was the turning point for Peter Parker’s character arc in the entire issue and, before beginning the work, I knew that this was the scene that had to create the most impact on the viewer. Any concerns I may have had about the quality of the track were immediately destroyed as soon as I heard the incredible piece of art. It was funny when it needed to be, represented strength, wisdom and hope In the correct moments and was just a joy to listen to without the audience being distracted from the dub itself.

    The next track Korbinian composed for was the final battle between Doctor Octopus and Spidey. The music that Galloway gave to this scene raised the stakes of what was a relatively worrying scene in the original cut to an extraordinary level. He made sure that the audience would be worried for the lead hero just as the comic intended them to be.

    And, the final 2 tracks were 2 soldiers finding Doctor Octopus tied up after his defeat by Spider-man’s hands and the last scene of the issue. Both were done brilliantly, the first one giving me incredible spy/secret service vibes which Korbinian really likes to do from what I know of his past works and the second being an incredible climax filled with hope, happiness and glory.

    Korbinian Galloway is more than a talent - he is a master at his craft.
