
👀 ❤️👉U

Joined Jul 2024 26 Following62 Followers
About vixxie

(I'm back in school yall.)

  • Busy

  • Unavailable for Hiring (for now)


Free, but if you are willing to pay me you must follow these rules:

  1. No scams or I'll call the police.

  2. You pay me only through PayPal, Chime, and others that I can't think of.

  3. Don't pay me too little, 10-50 USD is great! (If wanting to transfer v-bucks into my fortnite account, first ask, and second you must PRIVATELY DM me.)

What vixxie is looking for

  • Nothing inappropriate 

  • Nothing with gore

  • Nothing 18+ (Lots of kids watch m channel and I don't wanna be inappropriate)

  • Nothing with foul language

ANY PROJECT MADE BY: @nass @mysticgemva @lee_bright_jr 

  • @bluek615

    I worked with her on some stuff for her YouTube channel. She's a pretty good VA, manager, and video editor. She can voice some Sonic characters like Amy or Tails, as well as some other characters. Her motto is just "be smart and kind," and she definitely went through with it. So I think it would be pretty cool if you could follow her or (when she's available) take her into consideration for any projects to do with her interests, y'know.