Spidey #10 (2016) Comic Dub | Spider-Man and Captain America’s Epic Team-Up!

2024Completed https://youtu.be/Ghbwem8bb6M

A fully voiced and edited fandub of Spidey #10.

Spider-Man is struggling with a tarnished public image that leaves him feeling disheartened. Captain America extends an invitation to patrol together, offering Spider-Man a chance to see firsthand how much people admire Cap compared to the skepticism aimed at him. During their patrol, they are unexpectedly attacked by A.I.M., prompting a team-up to confront the formidable M.O.D.O.K. Through their battle, Spider-Man witnesses Captain America's unwavering courage and leadership, which contrasts sharply with his own doubts. Captain America imparts a crucial lesson to Spider-Man: that reputations can fluctuate, but ultimately, one's actions and choices define them. This experience serves as a turning point for Spider-Man, reinforcing his resolve to continue doing good despite the challenges and criticisms he faces.