The New Boy | Sims Movie (Season 1)


Izzy is just an average girl from the suburbs. As an only child, her parents expect nothing but excellence from her in school and life. She’s always gotten above average grades, been active in sports and extra curricular activities and been on the honor roll. With graduation approaching, they expect her to attend one of the highest ranking universities obtainable.  Izzy thought that she had her life figured out until she ran into a new boy at school. He was mysterious, even strange, but she was intrigued by his sparkling eyes and welcoming smile. She can’t help herself when given the opportunity to get closer to this stranger from out of town.  She soon finds herself falling head over heels, but falling deeper into something that she never even dreamed could be a reality. Friendships will be tested, lives will be in danger, and her parents, disappointed. In the end, will she discover she’s made a huge mistake or found a part of herself within, which she never knew was there?