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The guy in MCRPs that has a funny voice and that yells ALOT.
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
So you wanna know something about me, huh? (Well here goes nothing.)
My name is Tristan, but most people on the internet call me by my nickname "Swampert". I am 23 years old and I'm just a computer science student looking to have a little fun.
I now have 5 years of voice acting experience under my belt, which is a lot more than I ever thought I would have collected.
Some of my most common character types include jocks, nerds, pranksters, edgelords, shy guys, confident heroes, conniving villains, and many, MANY more.
I'm not afraid to take risks with my voice, and I promise to always put on the best show I possibly can.
Hopefully we can work together and make a great team!
If you want to contact me, DM me through Casting Call, and I will give out my Discord.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Past / C...
Amateur voice actor looking to get some more experience :)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
About me!~Hello, you can call me Raynie! I'm a nineteen year old voice actor!

I speak English, Italian, and Welsh, although English is the only one of those I'm fluent in. I am comfortable working in all three as long as there is a script involved (so no bilingual improv sadly).

I have experience with theatre and singing; my vocal range is mezzo-soprano to descant, and I've been in many plays! I've also been doing competitive public speaking for eight years now.
I don't have anything recent enough that I'm comfortable using for my demo reel, but I'll be updating it really soon!
My pfp was drawn by @ froppykermie on Instagram! He's really talented, and you should check out his artwork!
Contact Me?~ My Discord is @Erik.Destler's.Literal.Wife#8397
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
I am an experienced actor with 10 years of acting. I have worked in a number of musical theatre productions, my vocal range is tenor-countertenor with almost 4 full octaves. I am a character actor who has been professionally trained by people that have worked on numerous television commercials and shows as well as feature movies.
Speaks: english
Search all 7719 singer computers profiles