Jason Brady

Jason Brady

Voice Actor, Artist, Animator ⭐ Message me about projects !!

Joined Aug 2019 108 Following10 Followers
About Jason Brady

Hi, I'm Jason! I'm an 18 year old transman (he/him) VA, and I've been voice acting for about three years now! I have extensive experience in stage acting and am currently learning to sing.

I have a high to mid/low female range, and a young high - adult medium high male range, although I am MUCH more comfortable with characters with feminine voices. I love voicing loud and over-the-top characters - I'll bring all the energy!

I am also an artist, I specialize in character drawing and design, and am currently enrolled in an animation course in college.

If you're interested in contacting me, feel free to send me an email ([redacted]) or message me on discord (victimvideo#7516), I'd be happy to discuss roles ect.

If you're interested in my other stuff...

yt: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG8NzHEDj2w18g4euqj2OCg
twitter: https://twitter.com/victimvideo

What Jason Brady is looking for

I'm currently focusing on original projects that I can feature in a project demo reel, projects with an active community that I can be a member of, or projects that seem like fun!

My goal right now is to develop a demo reel and begin sending it to agencies in Ireland to eventually (hopefully!) get an agent. In the future, I would like to voice act full-time and bring all sorts of characters to life.

I joined casting call club as a way to keep up with performance art in some capacity, as I had taken a break from stage acting at the time to focus on my education. I developed an adoration for voice acting, and now it is my main hobby- even more than that. It is one of my main passions in life. Learning to use my voice like an instrument and to create different sounds and stories through my voice is both challenging and incredibly fun, and I can't imagine my life without it.

  • @lavendere

    Victimvideo is an absolutely lovely voice actor! They were incredible to work with and provided us some really good laughs! They're very easy to work with and I couldn't recommend them more!

  • @silentecho

    hol up how have i not done this sooner- no seriously, wtf

    Jason, man, MAN. I genuinely don't know where to start. He's ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite people to see when I find myself cast/auditioning for a project. He's so kind and easy to get along with. I always feel comfortable around him.

    Probably shouldn't have put this second, but his voice is so nice to listen to, and he's got a fantastic range. More than once, I've seen roles and heard Jason's voice in my mind. He's always punctual with lines and gets them in on time.
    His art is absolutely fantastic, it's so unique, pretty, and overall really nice on the eyes.

    pls hire
    he does epic voice and art stuffs
    He'll make a fantastic addition to your team.

  • @redphoenix15

    Jason's the first transgender voice actor I've ever worked with, and I must say, this guy really knows what he's doing and has tons of potential within him.

    Right off the gate, he's shown me just how capable and hardworking he is.

    In my "Euphoria" manga dub, he voices both Prixia Asahina & Shizuru Mizuhama, and instantly, I loved his approach for both characters. The emotions, attitudes, personalities, etc. This guy can handle any role that he puts his mind towards, and I were you all, I would not skip pass this guy. You never know what you'll be missing out on.

  • @redphoenix15

    Jason's the first transgender voice actor I've ever worked with, and I must say, this guy really knows what he's doing and has tons of potential within him.

    Right off the gate, he's shown me just how capable and hardworking he is.

    In my "Euphoria" manga dub, he voices both Prixia Asahina & Shizuru Mizuhama, and instantly, I loved his approach for both characters. The emotions, attitudes, personalities, etc. This guy can handle any role that he puts his mind towards, and if I were you all, I would not skip pass this guy. You never know what you'll be missing out on.

  • @v-meister71

    Jason is without a doubt an amazing VA to work with. He is so passionate and talented at what he does that I'm blown away every time. The emotions, performance, all of everything you love to see in a VA is what Jason has. Recommending them is as simple as can ever be. I am glad to be working with someone as awesome as Jason overall, and I hope you consider him for your project.

  • @Willo-wisp

    As far as I can tell, he is going to go far. His work is absolutely amazing and his talent really shines in his auditons. Definitely consider him for your project!! 

  • @Aiga_VA

    I SERIOUSLY cannot reccomend Jason enough! Very passionate and I'm very glad to be working with him. I do not regret my decision on casting him. In fact, (I don't mean I regret casting the rest of well, the cast. Haha) I almost wanted to cast him as every character he auditioned for. Jason is an incredible VA as I've seen him in many other great projects. 

  • @okemian

    I think it speaks for itself that I had to cast Jason for more than one role, he gave such fantastic takes on the characters and followed the direction I gave for both so well. I couldn’t be happier with the work he’s done and it’s additionally impressive he was able to deliver on multiple characters while also juggling college work - which I know first hand can be really challenging. I hope one day I get to work with him again.
