

Hey there! My name is Joseph Fredrick and I am an aspiring voice actor, director, and freelance video editor! I got my start on Casting Call Club in February of 2021 and in my time here I have learned a lot about what goes into being a voice actor, editor, and general member of the industry.My work

Joined Feb 2021 59 Following43 Followers
About JoeFredrick12

My Previous works (since CCC took away the place to put it on our pages):


  • @shippo

    Joe reached out to me a couple of months ago, and I cannot put into words on how talented and great Joe is, as a voice actor and video editor. He has such great potential into voice acting and the level of quality he gives, only starting a few months ago, truly is remarkable. Not only that, he is super friendly and hardworking, and super supportive to his friends and peers!! I'm super glad that I've gotten the chance to know Joe, because he is an amazing guy indeed :) Go cast Joe for your projects!

  • @arandomvoiceactor

    Joe is one of the most amazing people I have ever met! He’s such a great voice actor with so much talent and potential! Not only is Joe talented, he’s such a hard worker and is dedicated to his work. He’s a really admirable voice actor and an even greater friend. Throughout our entire friendship, Joe has never once failed to make me smile and laugh! He gives the greatest advice and is an amazing listener. He’s charming and funny and a really wholesome dude!

  • @deleted18033

    Joe is truly one of the most hardworking people I know. I've only had the opportunity to work with him one or two times, but from what I've seen, he's truly determined to improve himself! He also turns in his lines on time as well with great delivery takes! Not only that, he's a great video editor who constantly improves, almost to a fault haha!! He is a PHENOMENAL person to talk to as well. He's so understanding and kind, it's unbelievable. I feel like the luckiest person on earth to be friends with THE Joe Fredrick! I know for sure Joe's going to do amazing things in life. He has such a strong impact on everyone, even if he doesn't know it himself. Trust me when I say you won't regret casting him on your projects!!!


  • @villainousmercy

    There are so many positive things I could say about Joe. He's such an incredible voice actor, for one! He always gives it his all when he delivers his lines, and he always strives to improve himself. His talents also shine with his video editing skills! Joe knows exactly how to make a video funny even if he wasn't in the video himself. This man is so incredibly talented, and I could never get tired of working with this talented individual. He's kind, funny, caring, compassionate and one of the greatest people that I have ever met while on my voice-acting journey. I cannot wait to be in more projects with him!

  • @ABloomfield

    I've had a wide range of interactions with directors and JoeFredrick and his team know exactly how to get what they want in a constructive, professional and timely manner. I was able to deliver lines I was truly proud of thanks to their direction. They won't steer you wrong. 

  • @ABloomfield

    You can experience a wide range of creators and directors all throughout CCC of varying degrees of passion and involvement, yet there was no question Joe has an overabundance of both. He also was able to give excellent direction which made my job easier to help him bring his projects to life. Don't hesitate to jump at the chance to work with him and the hardworking team he's built.