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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Video Editor
hey, i'm scrillow. i'm an online multimedia creator. one of the many things i do is voice act.when i was little, i used to mimic voices i'd hear on television or in video games. i started dabbling in voice acting in late 2015, but really started getting into it shortly after in 2016.

my calling, as it seems to be, is dubbing comics, especially ones about video games. my most notable roles are those in Adrenaline Dubs and Team NokiNoki.

AD -
Speaks: english
Here to help bring fantasy to reality!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
A creative born and raised on the East Coast who loves trying new foods, traveling, learning languages, tinkering and cosplaying!
Skills and Interests: alto saxophone garageband singing
Breathing life into scripts with a vibrant and relatable young voice
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Step into the realm of sound and expression with me, Jennifer Kiffe, an aspiring voice actor fueled by 15 years of experience as a software engineer. Trading lines of code for lines of dialogue, I’ve embarked on a thrilling journey to channel my passion for storytelling through the captivating medium of voice.
Having spent over a decade and a half in the dynamic world of software engineering, I bring a unique blend of technical acumen and creative flair to my voice acting pursuits. The transition from debugging algorithms to breathing life into characters has been a remarkable shift, one that highlights my commitment to exploring the diverse and limitless possibilities of vocal artistry.
My background in game development and software design equips me with a multifaceted skill set, allowing me to approach voice acting with precision and creativity. Whether I’m infusing personalit...
Speaks: english
Search all 222 singer fine arts profiles